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Twitter for HTML5 Ads!

Twitter for HTML5 Ads!

Adventive’s brand-spanking new Twitter Component is now available in our HTML5 Builder.

There are five ways to integrate Twitter into your ads – Twitter Share, Mention, Hashtag, Follow Button or Timeline.




html5 twitter share button

The Twitter Share button allows you to quickly share content with all of your followers. Clicking the button provides users with a pre-populated Tweet containing a link, intro text and hashtags.



Twitter html5 mention button

The Twitter button encourages visitors to Tweet to your account, driving conversation directly from your ad. Clicking the Mention button provides users with a pre-populated Tweet that @mentions your account, including an option to add intro text.



html5 twitter hashtag button

The Hashtag button is great for promoting topics and keywords. Clicking the Hashtag button provides users with a pre-populated Tweet that includes intro text and an additional option to include another user or share a URL.



html5 twitter follow button

To grow your audience, add a Twitter Follow button. When users click, your button will open the Twitter Intent box where they will easily be able to Follow you.



html5 twitter timeline embed

Add any public Twitter timeline to your ad. Just set your username and configure your settings. By default timelines include a follow button in the header, allowing website visitors to follow the account with one-click. There’s a Tweet box in the footer, enabling visitors to Tweet directly to the user.


Get in touch to learn more.